About Us:
The Committee for Gippsland offers a positive and influential voice, helping to create a thriving and sustainable future for the region.
As the region’s lead industry representative voice to government, the Committee for Gippsland (C4G) brings together groups representing all sectors of business, industry and community views to collaborate on regional priorities to benefit Gippsland communities.
We actively engage across the region with established industry sectors such as energy, agriculture, education, health, through to emerging businesses. We also represent organisations that provide support services, education and professional advice, to help drive a positive future for Gippsland.
Our membership includes small to medium businesses, sole trader businesses through to large ASX listed companies, community organisations and education providers in the region.
We facilitate discussion among our member organisations to develop strong lines of communication with all levels of government, as well as fostering solid commercial and industry connections.
Our purpose
To foster, facilitate and encourage a Gippsland region that invites and develops participation and innovation, business investment, industry development and strong and vibrant communities.
Our Mission
provide strategic leadership and advocacy for our region including leading conversation, encouraging connectivity and innovation, and facilitating clever thinking through cognitive diversity.
Our Board
Our board is skill-based drawn from our members.
Sean Dignum
Lisa Gooding
Leigh Kennedy
Erin Coldham
Vince Hurley
Nick Murray
Our Team
Our team are hand picked and highly respected Gippslanders.
Tony Cantwell
Caroline Baldacchino
Fabien Moothoo
Kimberley Flanagan

Established in March 2011, the Committee for Gippsland (C4G) is an apolitical, not-for-profit and self-funded organisation which provides peak body representation for industry and communities across the Gippsland region. C4G was founded by passionate leaders with a shared vision to see Gippsland succeed in prosper. It was officially launched in April 2011 by the then Victorian Deputy Premier, Hon Peter Ryan.
Where we are today
The Committee for Gippsland membership has grown to over 95 members representing all geographic regions of Gippsland and industry sectors that operate at a local, state, national and international level.
Our membership includes small to medium businesses, sole trader businesses through to large ASX listed companies, community organisations and education providers in the region, ensuring a united voice for Gippsland.
We aim to facilitate discussion among our member organisations and develop strong lines of communication with the government, as well as fostering solid commercial and industry connections.
What we do
Strategic Priorities
Clean Energy
Freight Infrastructure Master
The Committee for Gippsland (C4G) actively seek member input and feedback ensuring a fact-based advocacy platform.
We are guided by our most recent Strategic Plan 2021 - 2024, particularly our five strategic priorities which articulates our clear vision for Gippsland. In addition to our advocacy work, C4G proudly delivers:
The Gippsland Community Leadership Program, one of Australia’s longest running regional leadership programs
The Gippsland Hydrogen Cluster leading the advancement and development of clean energy hydrogen from generation through to application
GROW – East Gippsland Bushfire Recovery
We oversee a number of key projects to elevate Gippsland, for example the Gippsland’s Clean Energy Future - leading a transition to renewable energy and conducting an update of The Gippsland Freight Infrastructure Master Plan, improving connectivity for business to move freight in Gippsland.
In addition to these projects we advocate on a wide range of policy areas, to all levels of government, on behalf of members. The Gippsland Renewable Energy Zone, Skilled Migration, the Victorian Code of Practice for Timber Production and the Hydrogen Guarantee of Origin Certificate scheme, are examples of recent policy submissions we have made and behind the scenes advocacy engagement.
Strategic Priorities:
Promote Gippsland lifestyle choices, its natural beauty and supporting services
Leverage Gippsland’s natural assets, built environment, workforce capability to secure investment leading to a sustainable future. Secure an investment-ready environment
To promote Gippsland as a clean energy powerhouse
To advocate for projects that create long term sustainable jobs, facilitate investment bolstering supply chains
To grow local leadership capabilities and strengthen collective efforts to build a collaborative whole-of Gippsland approach
The Gippsland Community Leadership Program (GCLP) has been running for more than 25 years and is delivered by the Committee for Gippsland. More than 700 Gippslanders have completed the program, which offers a comprehensive leadership training and deep contextual experience of our region. It is one of the longest-running regional leadership programs in Australia. It is supported by local sponsors and is one of 10 regional leadership programs run across the state.
The Gippsland Offshore Wind Alliance (GOWA) is an industry-led alliance, delivered by Committee for Gippsland and the Gippsland Climate Change Network, providing a united focus on securing investment, developing a skilled workforce, and building the infrastructure critical to Gippsland’s offshore wind sector. GOWA was launched at the Gippsland New Energy Conference in September 2024 with the Hon. Chris Bowen and Senator Dr Jess Walsh.
The Gippsland Hydrogen Cluster is a collaboration with world-leading technology-driven companies and organisations. The cluster’s mission is to help encourage government investment, drive technology innovation, attract business investment, develop local industry, leading to a brighter and stronger future for Gippsland. The Cluster will achieve this through collaboration and advocacy in identifying economic, social and environmental opportunities to secure government and private investment, developing both the hydrogen sector and our region.
Find out about partner and participant organisations and their commitment to the Gippsland region, and how you can be involved in growing Gippsland by heading to the website here
Gippsland’s Clean Energy Future
As a strategic priority, Committee for Gippsland (C4G) is advocating for clean energy investment and projects, whether it is off-shore or onshore wind, solar farms, battery storage, hydrogen generation projects, carbon capture, and storage or supporting infrastructure networks in our region. The region’s natural resources, coupled with our infrastructure and workforce capability, can make a major contribution to Australia’s transition to clean energy. By working with our workforce and communities, government and business can strengthen the region, secure Gippsland’s economy.
Gippsland has a proud history as Victoria’s foremost energy producer. The region’s fossil fuel endowments have underpinned a vibrant, modern economy. While these resources have delivered much prosperity to Gippsland, their role is changing. The future will be very different from the past. The need to address climate change and reduce carbon emissions is seeing a shift away from brown coal towards cleaner, less carbon-intensive forms of electricity generation. Decarbonisation means that Gippsland’s traditional energy industries have a finite life. This change brings opportunities for new industries to emerge on the back of the region’s comparative advantages in energy production and transmission.
Read Gippsland’s Clean Energy Future: Through investment and growth here.
'Gippsland’s Clean Energy Future: through investment and growth' offers a vision for Gippsland to continue as a power generating region. It highlights our natural resources, infrastructure, networks and workforce capability, as well as providing a roadmap for a thriving net-zero future for Gippsland.
Gippsland Freight Infrastructure Master Plan
After thorough consultation with industry, government and community, the Committee for Gippsland (C4G) in partnership with Regional Development Australia Gippsland (RDA Gippsland) has finalised the Gippsland Freight Infrastructure Masterplan (GFIMP) 2023 -2028.
This roadmap articulates the current demands and opportunities for freight infrastructure investment into the region. GFIMP will also serve as a strategic planning tool to help ensure Gippsland produce and resources can move in and out of the region efficiently in a time of transition.
In June 2013 the original GFIMP was developed in collaboration with Gippsland Local Government Areas, State Government agencies and industry. The GFIMP aimed to work with, complement and enhance the Gippsland Freight Strategy, seeking to maximise outcomes and better engage private industry to ensure comprehensive stakeholder input.
Read the Gippsland Freight Infrastructure Masterplan 2023 -2028 here.
Reports and Submissions
Federal Government's proposed area for offshore renewables: Bass Strait
Victorian Offshore Wind Directions Paper
Victorian Renewable Energy Zones Development Plan
Victoria’s Draft 30 Year Infrastructure Strategy
2021- 2022 Migration Program Planning Process
Technology Investment Roadmap Discussion Paper