Arnold Dix delivers inspirational keynote at Leadership Address

Professor Arnold Dix, also known as the “tunnel guy” for rescuing 41 men trapped in a collapsed tunnel in India in 2023, gave an inspirational keynote at the Gippsland Community Leadership Program (GCLP) annual Leadership Address event at Lardner Park. The event was hosted by the Committee for Gippsland (C4G) and TAFE Gippsland.

C4G CEO Tony Cantwell said Arnold was a fantastic leader who shared his unique and raw experiences on leadership during such challenging circumstances.

“Arnold’s experience shows the complexity involved in the rescue, navigating the challenges of a delicate situation, complex language and cultural differences while remaining on task to complete the rescue with high levels of risk and failure.

“Leadership can take shape in many styles and forms, Arnold was able to share his authentic approach to dealing with stressful situations, bringing together a team and uniting behind a shared mission.

“There was so much to learn from Arnold, from the importance of being clear on the mission, to remaining humble while being a decent human being, and progressing with a task even if you don’t have all the information.

“Hearing Arnold’s story was incredibly powerful and we are proud to have hosted Arnold in Gippsland,” Mr Cantwell said.

Event partner, TAFE Gippsland CEO Laura Macpherson said TAFE Gippsland was in the business of creating future leaders, through supporting events such as this.

“Arnold Dix was an inspirational speaker, and we hope all those who attended took something valuable away from the event,” Laura Macpherson said.

“Our vision is for a skilled and thriving Gippsland by bringing our community leaders together to learn from one another and from those outside the region who have knowledge to share.”

The Gippsland Annual Leadership Address and Gippsland Community Leadership Program (GCLP) are proudly delivered by the Committee for Gippsland.

To learn more about the Gippsland Community Leadership Program visit:


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