37 Gippslanders complete Mental Health First Aid Course

This week, 37 individuals from across Gippsland successfully completed the Mental Health First Aid course, thanks to the Leading Australian Resilient Communities (LARC) initiative - a $5 million national project funded by the Australian Government’s Building Resilient Regional Leaders Initiative (Pilot) grant in partnership with the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation (ARLF) and the Regional Australia Institute.

Delivered by the Committee for Gippsland and Mindful Aus, the program was a blend of self-paced e-learning followed by a 4 hour in person workshop. Participants who completed the program will receive the Mental Health First Aid Australia accreditation valid for 3 years. 

Committee for Gippsland CEO Tony Cantwell said mental health awareness was important at a national and local level, with over five million Australians experiencing a mental health illness every year according to the most recent ABS data.

"According to the statistics, in Australia, only one in two individuals with common mental illnesses seek professional help due to various barriers such as stigma, access issues, and financial concerns.

"Understanding how to recognise early signs of mental health issues in our friends, family and colleagues and being able to provide initial support can make a substantial difference.

“We appreciate the opportunity to partner with the ARLF and offer this subsidized program that enables the participants to complete the Mindful Aus course locally. This equips them to provide mental health first aid in their communities and networks”, said Mr Cantwell.

Melissa Neal, Learning Manager at the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation, emphasised the importance of community-led responses to complex issues like mental health challenges, echoing Mr Cantwell's views.

"With over 30 years of experience, the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation alongside our partner organisations have seen the profound benefits of investing in leadership programs that empower people to collaborate within their communities. We were delighted with the enthusiastic response to the Gippsland training programs, which successfully brought attendees together to develop localised solutions to mental health challenges. These efforts are crucial for overcoming barriers to accessing essential mental health services."

For more information about the Leading Australian Resilient Communities (LARC) initiative, visit www.rural-leaders.org.au/leading-australian-resilient-communities-program


About the workshop

This workshop is delivered under the Leading Australian Resilient Communities (LARC) project. LARC is delivered as part of the Australian Government’s Building Resilient Regional Leaders Initiative (Pilot) grant.

Delivered by the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation and the Regional Australia Institute in partnership with Leadership Victoria, Leadership WA, Tasmanian Leaders, the Leaders Institute of South Australia, and the Australian Resilience Centre and delivered by the Committee for Gippsland.


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