Gippsland Freight Infrastructure Priorities Identified in Master Plan
At the Gippsland Freight Infrastructure Master Plan launch from left: Committee for Gippsland CEO Tony Cantwell, Committee for Gippsland Deputy Chair Sean Dignum, Federal Minister for Regional Development, Local Government and Territories the Hon. Kristy McBain, RDA Gippsland Chair Michelle Dowsett and RDA Deputy Chair Raelene Hanratty.
Federal Minister for Regional Development, Local Government and Territories the Hon Kristy McBain was formally presented with the Gippsland Freight Infrastructure Master Plan at its official launch in Morwell today.
The Gippsland Freight Infrastructure Master Plan (GFIMP) offers a roadmap to strengthen infrastructure of the region’s roads, rail, air and sea-ports, which in turn will bolster the future of Gippsland’s economy. The 2023 GFIMP is a refresh of the 2013 edition which was born out of a partnership between The Committee for Gippsland (C4G) and Regional Development Australia Gippsland Committee (RDA Gippsland).
C4G CEO Tony Cantwell said GFIMP was a long-term priority of C4G and was critical to maintaining essential services for a rapidly growing and transitioning Gippsland.
“Our region is in the midst of a once-in-a century transformation,” Tony Cantwell said.
“As we embrace Gippsland’s Clean Energy Future as well as new export markets and sustainable development, a large determinant of success to make these transitions will be the cohesiveness and efficiency of Gippsland’s freight task.
“By conducting a comprehensive engagement with business and industry, local government, regional leaders and the community, the Gippsland Freight Infrastructure Master Plan seeks to highlight the many strengths of our region and identify the opportunities for investment in freight infrastructure as well as key initiatives to drive considered and intermodal freight priorities forward.”
RDA Gippsland Chair Michelle Dowsett said GFIMP aimed to provide an essential strategic toolkit when working collaboratively with governments, industry and the community to help deliver these opportunities.
GFIMP identifies current and emerging freight issues and opportunities as well as barriers to growth and emerging markets,” Michelle Dowsett said.
““This includes identifying and prioritising investments in critical infrastructure, regulatory reforms, improved access to skills training and job opportunities, and planning to ensure the communities in Gippsland can accommodate the future freight task.”
GFIMP identifies a total of 34 priorities developed with industry feedback, including 30 infrastructure type projects and four supporting initiatives and strategies. The ten highest priorities are:
· The Traralgon Bypass
· The Warragul-Drouin Arterial Road Network
· The Leongatha Heavy Vehicle Bypass (Stage 2)
· The Sale Alternate Truck Route
· The Princes Highway (West of Longwarry) – Major Upgrades and Reinstate 100+km/h speed limit
· The Princes Highway Sale to Bairnsdale Duplication
· The Princes Highway (East of Bairnsdale) – Major Upgrades
· The South Gippsland Highway – Major Upgrades
· Additional Turnouts and Sidings on the Gippsland Railway Line
· A third International Airport Supporting Initiatives
Four supporting initiatives were also identified as areas of focus including: developing the freight industry and workforce, improved partnerships between the freight industry and government, local road funding and investment including First and Last Mile, as well as a review of the road safety barrier guidance with industry input.