Michelle Brooker
Member of the Finance, Audit and Risk Sub-Committee Michelle has over 18 years experience in the banking industry, working in business finance and management roles as well as 19 years experience in the construction industry.
She is a joint owner, along with her husband, of Brooker Builders and is responsible for the financial and strategic direction of the business. Brooker Builders is a commercial and domestic construction business which services East Gippsland and Wellington Shire Councils.
As a long-standing building business with quality underpinning their values, Brooker Builders pride themselves on their business integrity and their industry experience. Brooker Builders take great comfort and pride in the number of industry awards which the company has received.
Michelle is a former member of the Nagle College School Advisory Board and Finance Sub Committee, the Treasurer of the Bairnsdale Tennis Club and the East Gippsland Council Economic Advisory Board.